COVID-19 and the vaccine

Apr 29, 2021 | News

Millions of children in England have gone back to school, primary schools have reopened and most secondary schools have started with a phased return. The first stage of the “roadmap’ out of national lockdown!! So, we are focusing this HR News on COVID-19 to help school leaders, managers and employees be prepared.

Some employers, such as schools will be very keen for their staff to benefit from a COVID-19 vaccine. Having a fully complement of vaccinated employees will mean a dramatic reduction in the risk of the virus and less concerns about transmission. Earlier this month, the Health Minister, Edward Argar, warned employers that they cannot force their employees to get a vaccine before returning to work. Mr Argar further commented that vaccinations have to remain voluntary and there are other ways in which businesses can make their workplaces secure from the virus. It can also help to speak to staff or their representatives about the vaccine and the benefits of being vaccinated.

As a result of these comments and due to queries, we have a number of questions and answers to help you prepare. Acas and HSE have also published some advice. We have provided a coronavirus vaccine policy template for your consideration. You can use the policy to support a staff awareness campaign on the vaccine, provide more information and to consider how time off for vaccine appointments will be managed.

Click here for the new advice from Acas on getting coronavirus vaccines for work.

Click here  for advice from Acas on mental health at work.

Click here for advice from HSE on talking to workers about preventing COVID-19.

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