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Absence Management and Special Leave

Sub Title

Procedural Checklist

A procedural checklist provides a structured document to ensure consistency and compliance with established procedures. It serves as a tool to guide employers through step-by-step tasks, following protocols accurately, reducing errors, enhancing efficiency, and maintaining quality standards in their work.

Catholic Education Services (CES)

This section contains checklists, which are relevant to schools/multi-academies who have adopted the CES sickness, absence policy and procedure.

The following documents relate to short-term absence.

Informal Approach

Return to Work

First Formal Absence Review

Special Leave of Absence

Notice to Staff

Policy Two

Policy Three

Meeting Checklists

Catholic Education Services (CES) Absence Management

This section contains checklists, which are relevant to schools/multi-academies who have adopted the CES sickness and absence policy and procedure.

The following CES meeting checklists relate to short-term absence.

Informal Approach Meeting

Return to Work Meeting Discussion 

Further Formal Absence Review Meeting

Final Absence Review Meeting

The following CES meeting checklists relate to long-term absence.

Informal Approach Meeting

Return to Work Meeting

First Formal Absence Review Meeting

Further Formal Absence Review Meeting

Final Absence Review Meeting

Local Authority Absence Management

This section contains meeting checklists, which are relevant to schools/multi-academies who have adopted local authority Managing Attendance Procedures.

The following meeting checklists relate to persistent, intermittent absences.

Informal Approach Meeting

Return to Work Meeting

First Formal Absence Review Meeting

Second Formal Absence Review Meeting

Decision Meeting

Hearing by a Committee of Governors

The following meeting checklists relate to long-term absences.

Informal Approach Meeting

Return to Work Meeting

First Formal Attendance Meeting

Second Formal Attendance Meeting

Decision Meeting

Hearing by a Committee of Governors


Letter Templates

Catholic Education Services (CES) Absence Management

This section contains letter templates, which are relevant to schools/multi-academies who have adopted the CES sickness and absence policy and procedure.

The following CES letter templates relate to short-term absence.

Outcome of First Formal Absence

No Contact During Absence

The following letter templates relate to short-term absence.

Refusal/Not Received Occupational Health Consent

Outcome of Return to Work Meeting

Invite to Formal Absence Meeting

Outcome to Formal Absence Meeting

Invite to Further Formal Absence Meeting

Outcome of Further Formal Absence Review Meeting

Invite to Final Absence Meeting

Notification of Dismissal

Confirmation of Receipt of Appeal

Outcome of Appeal

The following CES letter templates relate to long-term absence.

Outcome of Informal Absence Meeting

No Contact During Absence

Refusal/Not Received Occupational Health Consent

Outcome of Return to Work Meeting

Invite to Formal Absence Meeting

Outcome of Formal Absence Meeting

Invite to Further Formal Absence Meeting

Outcome of Further Formal Absence Meeting

Invite to Final Absence Meeting

Notification of Dismissal

Confirmation of Receipt of Appeal

Outcome of Appeal

Local Authority Absence Management

This section contains letter templates, which are relevant to schools/multi-academies who have adopted local authority Managing Attendance Procedures.

The following local authority letter templates relate to short-term absence.

No Contact During Absence

No Fit Note Received

Second Letter – No Fit Note Received

Invite to Informal Welfare Meeting

Outcome of Informal Absence Meeting

 Occupational Health Guidance

Occupational Health Referral

Refusing Occupational Health

 Invite to Return to Work Meeting

Outcome of Return to Work Meeting

Invite to First Formal Attendance Meeting

 Outcome of First Formal Attendance Meeting

Example Attendance Improvement Plan and Guidance

Guidance on Setting Targets

Invite to Second Formal Attendance Meeting

Outcome of Second Formal Attendance Meeting

Invite to Decision Meeting

 Outcome of Decision Meeting

Outcome of Decision Meeting (Non-Attendance)

Invite to Hearing Meeting

 Template Statement of Case for Hearing

Outcome of Hearing

Outcome of Hearing (Non-Attendance)

 Determination – Cease to Work/Unsatisactory Attendance Due to Sickness

Invite Letter to Appeal Hearing

Outcome of Appeal Hearing 

 Request to Withdraw Notice of Dismissal

The following local authority letter templates relate to long-term absence.

No Contact During Absence

Invite to Informal Welfare Meeting

 Outcome of Informal Welfare Meeting

Occupational Health Form

Occupational Health Guidance

 Refusing Occupational Health

Guidance for Return to Work Meeting

Invite to Return to Work Meeting

 Outcome of Return to Work Meeting

Invite to First Formal Absence Meeting

Outcome of First Formal Absence Meeting

 Invite to Decision Meeting

Outcome of Hearing – Cease to Work or Dismissal

Outcome of Hearing – Further Reasonable Period of Improvement or No Further Action

 Example Management Case

Sub Title


CES Managing Sickness Absence

Template Two

Template Policy

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